At HeLT we believe in the five stages of classic brand-building. Most branding processes today include some form of these five steps. With HeLT, innovation and fresh thinking occurs in how you execute each step.
5 Stages of Brand-Building
The first stage is Listening—where we use your existing customer knowledge or conduct market research to gain needed customer/client insight. The second of the five stages is where use we our C.O.R.E.E. Brand Positioning process. We call this phase Envisioning—because you, the client, are envisioning your brand vision. The third stage is Communicating—which has an internal component to assimilate your team to your new brand vision, and an external component to publically launch your brand vision to customers/clients and other key stakeholders. In the external component of the Communication stage, HeLT gets tactical by planning and executing awareness campaigns and/or producing brand iterations that bring your brand vision to the marketplace while modeling for you what to do with your new branding. The Living stage is where you and your team do the daily work of brand-building—walking your talk and “living” your brand through on-brand decision making that touch every aspect of your business. All businesses have many opportunities in their natural daily workflow to create meaningful customer experiences of their brand, and taking advantages of these opportunities is often NOT expensive. HeLT will show you how. Over time, your customer/client accumulates many on-brand experiences with your company or product, and their perception begins to align with your intended brand vision. HeLT then helps you track changes in marketplace perceptions in the Measuring stage, enabling you to make course corrections and see your R.O.I. (return on investment).
Through these five stages HeLT helps you build strong, focused brands and increase your brand equity—meaning brand visibility, perceived product value, ease of selection, and customer loyalty and advocacy—to grow your business.